News Update
“BEST LOCAL CONTENT FOR MAIN DISTRIBUTION MATERIAL” in the Gala Dinner and Awarding Night Electricity Connect 2024
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Voksel Electric's Newest Product Ready to Support Indonesia's Renewable Energy Future
PT Voksel Electric Tbk is increasingly committed to supporting the renewable energy transition in Indonesia. One of the main products carried by the company is photovoltaic (PV) cables specifically for Solar Power Plant (PLTS) systems.
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ELECTRICITY INDONESIA : Contribution in the advancement of the electricity and energy sector in Indonesia
PT Voksel Electric Tbk received the Indonesian Electricity Medal of Honor for its contribution as a Trusted Electric Cable Provider in advancing the electricity and energy sector in Indonesia. On September 26, 2024 at Bidakara Hotel - Jakarta
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National Occupational Safety and Health Month (BK3N) 2024.
It takes place from January 12 to February 12, 2024. The theme of BK3N 2024 is “Cultivate K3, Healthy and Safe at Work, maintained Business Sustainability”.
With the Sub Theme carried by…
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On July 25, 2024, the Company held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders at the Executive Office in Menara Karya, Jakarta. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Hua Shun, the President Director of the Company, with shareholders' attendance representing a…
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On February 22, 2024, the Company held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders at the Executive Office in Menara Karya, Kuningan-Jakarta. The meeting was attended by shareholders, either in person or through authorized representatives, representing 88.45% of the total shares
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IBEA AWARD 2023 : The Best Electricity Supporting Company
For the umpteenth time, PT Voksel Electric Tbk has received an award at the Indonesia Best Electricity Award (IBEA). At the IBEA 2023 which was held on 22-23 February 2023 at the Bidakara Hotel-Jakarta, Voksel Electric received the predicate as…
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INDI 4.0 Award 2022
The Company received an award at the INDI 4.0 Award 2022. This award was presented by the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia for Voksel’s efforts and commitment in transforming towards Industry 4.0.
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SNI Awards 2022
After 4 (four) previous times PT Voksel Electric Tbk (voksel) won an award at the SNI Award event, at the end of this year Voksel again won a Gold rating at the prestigious 2022 Indonesian National Standard Award (SNI) Award…
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Voksel Raih Penghargaan di SNI Awards tahun 2021
PT Voksel Electric Tbk (voksel) raih peringkat perak di ajang bergengsi Penganugerahan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) Award tahun 2021 kategori Organisasi Besar Barang Sektor Logam Mesin, Alat Transportasi dan Elektronika. Sebanyak 98 pelaku usaha mendapatkan penghargaan SNI Awards dengan rincian…
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PT Voksel Electric Tbk (“VOKSEL”) bekerja sama dengan Direktorat Jenderal Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi dan Elektronika (ILMATE) Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia telah melaksanakan program Pendampingan Implementasi Industri Elektronika dalam Industri 4.0. Acara yang diadakan pada Jumat (17/9) tersebut dihadiri…
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Voksel, One of the Best 50 Companies in Indonesia
In the August 2021 Edition, Forbes Indonesia announced PT Voksel Electric Tbk (Voksel) as one of the companies awarded with “Best of The Best – The 50 Best Companies 2021”. This award was granted as an appreciation for the top…
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“Di tengah kondisi Pandemik Covid 19 Voksel Kabel tetap berkomitmen untuk mendukung Proyek Strategis Nasional Bidang Energi PT. PLN (Persero)”
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VOKSEL PEDULI Melawan Penyebaran COVID-19
Peranan Perusahaan tidak semata - mata hanya untuk menjalankan bisnis namun juga dapat memberikan dampak bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan disekitarnya.
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Setiap tahun, PT Voksel Electric Tbk. (“Voksel”) menyelenggarakan peringatan Bulan K3 Nasional (“BK3N”) yang mengikutsertakan seluruh karyawan Voksel. Kegiatan ini tidak semata - mata dilakukan untuk memenuhi kewajiban Perusahaan saja, namun memiliki tujuan, yaitu menanamkan budaya K3 dalam lingkungan pekerjaan…
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Temu Karya Mutu & Produktivitas Nasional XXIII, Voksel raih Penghargaan Platinum
421 team QCC Nasional menjadi saksi PT Voksel Electric Tbk meraih Penghargaan Platinum di acara Temu Karya Mutu & Produktivitas Nasional (TKMPN) XXIII. Kesempatan tahun ini, Perusahaan berhasil memberangkatkan 1 team QCC dari bagian produksi LV.
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PT Voksel Electric Tbk. Raih Peringkat Emas di Penghargaan SNI AWARD 2019
PT Voksel Electric Tbk. kembali meraih EMAS pada penghargaan SNI Award 2019. Penghargaan ini merupakan kali ketiga yang diterima perusahaan dengan kategori “Organisasi Besar Barang Sektor Elektroteknika, Logam dan Produk Logam (kelistrikan; elektronika; alat kesehatan; baja; aluminium; besi; nikel; mesin…
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Paparan Publik 2019
Bersamaan dengan hari penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, pada tanggal 21 Juni 2019, Perseroan melanjutkan dengan mengadakan Paparan Publik sebagai bentuk transparansi Perseroan kepada masyarakat umum
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Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan 2019
Dalam rangka memenuhi aturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) & Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Perseroan kembali menyelenggarakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham 2019 pada hari Jumat, tanggal 21 Juni 2019 di Hotel Mulia.
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PT Voksel Electric Tbk meraih Piagam INDI 4.0
Setelah menghadiri undangan pengisian Self – Assessment INDI 4.0 dari Kementerian Perindustrian RI yang diadakan pada bulan Maret dan April 2019, PT Voksel Electric Tbk terpilih untuk menerima Piagam Apresiasi INDI 4.0. Dengan diraihnya piagam ini, Kementerian Perindustrian RI menaruh…
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‘Peluncuran dan Pengenalan Produk Baru Submarine Fiber Optic Cable’ merupakan bukti nyata perseroan untuk terus mendukung pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia.
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Komitmen PT Voksel Electric Tbk. Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Infrastruktur
Peluncuran dan Pengenalan Produk Baru Submarine Fiber Optic Cable merupakan bukti nyata perseroan untuk terus mendukung pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia.
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Dukung Infrastruktur, Voksel Electric Tambah Investasi Rp 70 Miliar
Dalam rangka peluncuran produk baru Submarine Fiber Optic Cable, PT Voksel Electric Tbk menambah investasi sebesar 5 juta dolar AS atau setara Rp70 miliar.
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Voksel Electric (VOKS) Rilis Produk Baru Fiber Optic
Emiten kabel PT Voksel Electric Tbk. memiliki produk baru kabel serat optik bawah laut yang baru saja dirilis pada Rabu (21/2/2019) di Pabrik Cileungsi, Bogor, Jawa Barat.
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CSR – Pengenalan Jaringan FTTX ke Sekolah Kejuruan
PT CGS sebagai anak perusahaan PT Voksel Electric Tbk., turut berperan serta secara nyata dalam pendidikan Nasional melalui pengenalan jaringan FTTX ke sekolah – sekolah kejuruan, dengan mengadakan program Guru Tamu pada 4 Desember 2018 yang diperuntukkan bagi siswa –…
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CSR - Kepedulian PT Voksel Electric Tbk Bagi Lombok dan Palu
Peristiwa bencana alam Gempa Bumi di Lombok dan juga tsunami di Palu menggerakkan hati semua kalangan untuk berbelasungkawa. Tak terkecuali PT Voksel Electric Tbk bersama dengan anak - anak perusahaannya.
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VOKS Incar Pertumbuhan dari Proyek PLN
Voksel Electric (VOKS) mengincar kontribusi pendapatan bersih dari kontrak PLN lebih besar pada 2019, seiring dengan mega proyek 35.000 megawatt milik Perusahaan Listrik Negara.
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SNI (Indonesia National Standard) Award 2017 Silver category for Company of Electrotechnics, Metal and Metal Products Sector from BSN (National Standard Agency). In order to encourage companies / organizations in Indonesia to apply SNI properly and consistently, the Government of…
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IBEA AWARDS 2018: The Best Electrical Supporting Company - Cable
This Year, PT Voksel Electric Tbk. was awarded as The Best Electrical Supporting Company – Cable Category. This award program gives appreciation to the best company in the field of development, management and supply of electricity, in terms of generation,…
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Sertifikasi K3 Ketinggian level 2
Dalam rangka peningkatan kompetensi karyawan, PT Bangun Prima Semesta, mengadakan Sertifikasi K3 Ketinggian level 2 pada tanggal 15, 16 dan 17 Agustus 2018.
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Training Cable And It’s Installation Knowledge @ Agung Podomoro Learning Centre
Dalam rangka membekali para teknisi, PT APL mengundang PT Voksel Electric Tbk untuk mengisi training mengenai pengetahuan produk kabel di Learning Center Agung Podomoro pada tanggal 26 September 2018.
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Proyek Penyulang (feeder) Tomat 20Kv di Gardu Induk Mariana - Palembang merupakan kerjasama PT Voksel Electric Tbk. dengan PLN (Persero) Area Palembang. Pembangunan proyek ini akan memperluas area layanan PLN Wilayah S2JB untuk memperkuat kehandalan system kelistrikan Palembang Ilir dan…
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Pekerjaan pembangunan saluran Kabel Laut tegangan menengah 20 kV ini dilaksanakan di daerah Lampung, tepatnya di Pulau Pisang Pesisir Barat. Proyek ini merupakan proyek bersama Pemprov. Lampung & PLN Lampung untuk membangun infrastruktur, penyaluran dan penataan jaringan listrik untuk mendukung…
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Pekerjaan Pembangunan IBT-2,150 kV Gardu Induk Lubuk Linggau (Paket IBT-2 LL). Dengan kapasitas 250 Mega Volt Ampere (MVA) beroperasi per 23 Desember 2017, trafo ini dapat membantu fleksibilitas operasi dan pemeliharaan gardu induk di sistem Sumatera bagian selatan. Proyek ini…
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QCC National Level, TKMPN Forum (National Quality and Productivity Meetings) & IQPC (International Quality and Productivity Convention) category Gold, Padang.
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The Best Electrical Supporting Company : MDU Jaringan
The Best Electrical Support – MDU Jaringan, IBEA (Indonesia Best Electricity Award) 2017.
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Penghargaan SNI Award 2017
SNI (Indonesia National Standard) Award 2017 Gold category, Company of Electrical Goods Sector Goods, Metal and Metal Products from BSN (National Standard Agency) In order to encourage companies / organizations in Indonesia to apply SNI properly and consistently, the Government…
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Penganugerahan Penilaian PMA - PMDN Tahun 2017
The best foreign investment company in the LKPM - Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (Investment Activities Reporting) category from Bogor District, imply that company comply to government regulation in reporting investment activity.
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Accupational Safety and Health Management System
Certificate appreciation of Safety Health Environment Management System with a "Satisfactory / Gold" rating for the Advanced Level category from the Ministry of Labor.
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AGM 2017
The Board of Directors hereby invites all Shareholders of the Company to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) that will be held on
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AGM 2016
The Board of Directors hereby invites all Shareholders of the Company to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”)
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Abiding taxpayer of year 2012
Paying taxes is a form of active participation and contribution of the taxpayer (WP) as a citizen. In order to appreciate the active role of the community who has done his duty, the Bogor Regency Government, represented by Bupati of…
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Leadership training
The HR held Advance Leadership Training Program: Train the Leader to Lead for Managers and Supervisors in November and December 2012 in order to have qualified and trustable leaders , which have characters of integrity, maturity, abundance mentality and independency…
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Public Expose
The Company’s Public Expose was held on 17 December 2012 at the Seminar Room of IDX Building. The Public Expose presented the Company’s Performance :
Net sales for Jan – Sep 2012 = Rp. 1.750 trillion, and the projection for…
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The Africa Electricity Exhibition 2012 in Johannesburg, South Africa
Africa Electricity 2012 featured many international exhibitors showcasing the very latest technologies in the power, lighting, nuclear and renewable sectors.
On 23 - 25 October 2012, PT Voksel Electric Tbk participated in Africa Electricity 2012 exhibition in Johannesburg, South Africa.…
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